View from an airplane window. Photo by Lennart Wittstock on Pexels.

Holiday season is right around the corner, and while that comes with all things yummy food, fun decorations, and family time, it can also come with germs, germs, and, well…germs. Especially if you’re traveling, staying well during the holidays can be challenging. So we wanted to share some tips for staying well on the go!


It’s no secret that sleep is vital to staying healthy. But traveling is one way to royally mess up your sleep schedule. We all have what’s called a “circadian window”, which is essentially your body’s sleeping sweet spot. It typically happens somewhere around 11 p.m. to 7 a.m, but traveling—especially if it’s across two or more time zones—can really disrupt your circadian rhythm. But to stay healthy, you want to keep your sleep schedule as normal as possible. 

One way to ensure your sleep doesn’t get too off-track is to adjust your bedtime by an hour each day starting three days before you travel. You can adjust it either an hour later or an hour earlier, depending on which way you’re traveling. But experts say you should adjust by one hour per time zone you’ll be traveling through. So if you’re traveling through three time zones, your bedtime should be adjusted by three hours to make up the difference. This simple adjustment can help ease the shock your body experiences when its circadian rhythm is disrupted. 

Another way to ensure your body can adjust to a new schedule—particularly if you’re traveling for more than two days—is to do what the locals do. Aka…if they’re awake in the middle of the day when you land, you sleep on the plane and stay awake when you get there! If you’re landing at night, try to stay awake on the plane and sleep once you get to where you’re going. This will help your body adjust to whatever time zone you’re heading into. (And plus…sleep makes family holidays much more enjoyable).


Moving your body is essential to overall health, and especially when you’re traveling! Whether you’re sitting in a car, train, or plane, traveling impacts your body. It can disrupt blood flow, dehydrate you (especially in a plane), and cause other short-term health issues. So both in the vessel you’re using to travel and when you get to your destination, exercise can help you stay well on the go. 

One way to get your body moving, even in a time crunch, is simply walking. Get your family out on a walk. If you’re staying in a hotel, walk to get coffee, take the stairs when you can—walking is much more beneficial than you think and you have more opportunities to do it than you probably realize.

Getting your loved ones involved is a great way to get your body—and theirs—moving. Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated! Have a family relay race if the weather permits, learn some line dances together, or get a good Friends-style football game going. The point we’re trying to make here is that moving your body will help you stay well, and it doesn’t have to be as regimented as it may be at home. 

Eat Balanced Meals

It’s the holidays, so let’s be honest…we’re probably not all on our A-Game when it comes to what we eat. There are too many yummy treats to enjoy! That being said, however, we don’t want to completely throw out the nutrition. So instead of depriving yourself of treats, remind yourself of these two things: 

  1. It’s easier to add nutritious things to a meal than it is to take away the treats you love
  2. Everything is okay in moderation! 

So, how do you keep a balanced diet during the holidays? Here are some tips:

  • Add more veggies. This can be as simple as trying a new roasted squash or sweet potato recipe! Maybe give sweet and salty a try instead of marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes. Again, adding key nutrients will help keep those holiday meals nice and balanced.
  • Eat slower! Studies have shown that slowing down while you eat can actually help you feel fuller faster, and will help your brain and belly communicate to tell you when you should put the fork down for a while. One way to help you eat slower is to actually put your utensils down between bites! This causes you to actually savor the food you’re eating, and will give you a few seconds before you’re ready to take another bite. (And really, who doesn’t want to truly savor Aunt Susan’s pie?)
  • Eat throughout the day. Don’t just let your stomach be empty all day in an effort to reserve calories (or space). You’ll feel much better, enjoy the food more, and your body will thank you, if you take time to eat meals or healthy snacks throughout the day!

Take Your Supplements

No matter how hard you try, your body will most likely lack some of its normal vitamins and nutrients while you travel. So whether it’s a multivitamin, a probiotic, or an immunity blend, make sure to stock up on your supplements to help give your body the support it needs. 

Post-Travel Wellness Tips

So we’ve talked about ways to stay healthy while you travel, but what about when you get back? Your immune system is still in a volatile state after traveling, so let’s talk through some ways to keep that wellness up when you get home:

Detox, detox, detox.

One way to get rid of all those yucky travel germs is to detox your body. Some ways to detox your body are with a detox bath at home, a sauna and cold plunge session at a local sauna studio, or doing a regimented detox. Here at Previnex, we have a 7-day detox that can help you renew, revitalize, and recharge your body. Getting rid of the toxins not just from traveling but also from things we encounter in our daily environment is paramount to keeping your body healthy!

Catch Some Zzz's.

Just like when you’re on vacation, sleep is one of the best ways to help your body fight off any illness or germs. When you get home, make sure you jump back into your normal evening routine as soon as possible to reset that circadian rhythm and give your body the rest it needs. 

Drink Up

When you travel, you most likely get pretty dehydrated. Especially during the colder months when drinking water may not come as naturally, it’s important to not just stay hydrated but to keep electrolytes in your system. Some ways to replenish your hydration and electrolytes are:

  • Eat a pinch of celtic sea salt before you drink water.
  • Drink coconut water.
  • Eat a banana. These yellow guys have approximately 16% of the necessary daily value of potassium.
  • Snack on watermelon or drink watermelon juice. Watermelons are an excellent source of potassium and water!

Don’t let traveling stop you from staying healthy. So follow these tips to stay well during and after traveling!