Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Walking is such a simple activity that many of us overlook or take for granted, and it offers a number of benefits. From getting Vitamin D to helping you move your body, walking can help boost your mood and immune function, ease joint pain, help you manage stress, and so much more. Let’s take a deeper look at three benefits of walking:

It Boosts Your Mood

Beyond just getting outside and letting the sun shine on your face, research has shown that walking releases endorphins—a brain chemical that stimulates relaxation and boosts our mood—which can help keep anxiety at bay, help us work through stress, and put our minds in the right place. The best news—you don’t have to power walk to get the benefits! Even just a stroll through your favorite park can release these endorphins. 

It Boosts Your Immune Function

In addition to taking a high-quality supplement to support your immune system, walking can actually improve your immune function! Going for regular walks increases the number of white blood cells—which fight infection and disease—circulating through your blood. One study that tracked 1,000 adults during flu season found that those who walked 30-45 minutes a day had 43% fewer sick days. Beyond that, their symptoms were lessened if they did get sick, and these adults experienced fewer upper respiratory infections overall. 

It Boosts Your Energy

When it comes to exercising, walking can be one of the simplest forms. And while it may seem counterintuitive, exercising can help boost your energy! Walking in particular increases blood flow, and since blood contains oxygen and nutrients, it reaches the brain and muscles in your legs. This relationship between your blood and body is what increases energy! Walking can also improve sleep, and getting solid sleep gives us energy throughout our day. 

Safety Tips

Whether you’re walking first thing in the morning or later in the day, it’s important to do it safely. Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Wear good walking shoes
  • Choose a safe place to walk (somewhere familiar!) 
  • Switch up the time and place you walk
  • Walk with a buddy
  • If you’re walking alone, make sure someone knows where you are
  • Hydrate!
  • Eat a light snack before you walk (we don’t need anyone passing out!)

Get Movin’

Walking is a severely underrated form of exercise. It boosts your mood, immune function, and energy levels! Whether it’s a brisk power walk or a stroll through the park, the important thing is to get your body movin’ and groovin’ to get your blood flowing and your metabolism going. Use walks to clear your head or to lose weight. No matter what time you go or what your goals are, walking has numerous benefits we don’t usually think about! So lace up your shoes and hit the trails.