10 Foods That Cause Joint Pain

Most of us are aware of the foods that we should be eating to enhance our health. What many of us overlook are the foods that impact a diagnosis we are living with. For people who experience joint pain and arthritis, there are ten foods that should be eliminated or reduced your diet. Here we will look at the ten foods that contribute most readily to joint inflammation and pain.  

1) Sugar

For those of us with a sweet tooth, passing on desserts might be a struggle. Unfortunately for those with joint pain, sugar is one of the biggest potential enemies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition cautions consumers that processed sugars lead to the release of inflammatory messengers. So when you are making food choices be sure to keep an eye out for sugar in all of its many forms. Hint: keep an eye out for ingredients ending in “ose,” like fructose and sucrose, which may be hiding in your food. 

2) Saturated Fats

The next joint troubling ingredient is saturated fats, which come in many shapes and sizes. Studies have shown that saturated fats trigger fatty tissue inflammation, which is known to worsen joint pain. Foods that readily populate the American diet, like pizza and fast food are the biggest culprits. Other guilty parties include processed foods, fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, carbohydrates and desserts.

3) Trans Fats

The bad press on trans fats dates back to the 1990’s, when researchers began to find links between trans fats and heart disease. It has since been proven as a cause of systemic inflammation, which significantly increases joint pain. The foods most trans fat heavy include fast foods, fried foods, processed snack foods, sugary snacks, and carbohydrates. By avoiding foods rich in hydrogenated oils you can help stave off joint pain.

4) Omega 6 Fatty Acids

The imbalance of healthy omega-3 fatty acids to their less healthful omega-6 counterparts means that many Americans are lacking the omega-3’s needed for a healthy homeostasis. High amounts of omega-6s trigger the production of inflammation throughout the body. By avoiding omega-6 rich foods like fast food, carbohydrates, certain types of oils and fats, processed foods and fatty meats you can maintain healthier, pain-free joints.

5) Eggs

While there is ongoing controversy over the role of eggs in American’s diets, we do know that a diet high in eggs has been linked with increased swelling and joint pain. Eggs, specifically yolks, contain arachidonic acid, which is tied to the production of prostaglandins, which trigger inflammation in the body. This doesn’t mean you should rid your diet of eggs, just remember that moderation is best.

6) Refined Carbohydrates

White flour products (like breads and crackers), white rice, white potatoes, and most desserts are considered refined carbohydrates. According to Scientific American, processed carbohydrates may be a bigger cause of high rates of obesity and inflammation than fats. Carbohydrates are high-glycemic index foods and lead to inflammation in the joints. Fortunately there are an increasing number of low-carb options available to substitute in your diet and promote joint health.

7) MSG

The flavor enhancing chemical Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) is most commonly associated with Asian style food and soy sauce. However, it is also found in some fast foods, prepared soups and soup mixes, salad dressings and deli meats. It has been linked with chronic inflammation, as well as a number of other health issues. Check your labels and opt for foods that are MSG-free.

8) Gluten and Casein

Gluten and casein are found in a number of foods that Americans consume in high numbers. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and the many foods made with these grains. Casein can be found in the many available whey protein products. Both have been identified as causes of joint inflammation and pain. Opt for low or no-carb and casein foods, which are becoming easier to find than ever before.

9) Dairy Products

Some recent studies have shown dairy products to also be contributors to joint pain. This is in large part due to the high level of casein found in many dairy products. They are also generally rich in saturated fats, which also promote inflammation, and eventually pain in the joints.

10) Meat

Meat, chiefly red meat, has been linked with chronic pain and inflammation. Meat high in fats containing arachindonic acid is known to cause very high levels of inflammation and pain.

Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that we have more control over our pain than we think. Much of what we eat can inadvertently cause pain without us even realizing. By steering clear of these ten foods that cause joint inflammation (and inevitably pain), you can help keep your joints healthy and strong.