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Stories of Impact: Leslie

January 29, 2025
Stories of Impact: Leslie
By Previnex®

When you purchase from a company, have you thought about how your purchase is helping others? You may or may not be aware that every time you order, we send a bottle of our premium children's multivitamin, Super Vites®, to malnourished children in great need. But even if you are aware of our program, have you ever wondered where these vitamins go? One of the most important things we do here at Previnex® is our Get Health, Give Health® program. We believe that creating health changes lives, that everyone deserves the opportunity to flourish, and that at our healthiest, we can make the greatest impact on our families, communities, and the world. 

Malnutrition is a Global Crisis

Did you know more than 17,000 kids die every single day from malnutrition? With up to 45% of these children dying not because of food insecurity or starvation, but of vitamin deficiency. That means more than 3.1 million children under the age of 5 are dying every year from a 100% preventable problem. Knowing that vitamin deficiencies are preventing children in impoverished areas of the world from fighting disease and growing properly, we made it our mission to make the best kids vitamins possible—using our resources to give these vitamins to at-risk children to help eliminate malnutrition deaths around the world, and to promote health and human flourishing.

Leslie’s Story 

One of these at-risk children recently experienced the life-changing impact of our multivitamin. 


Meet Leslie.



Leslie is a 2 year old girl who lives with her mother and two brothers in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic (DR). Her mom, Altagracia, is a single mom who travels to different homes working as a hairstylist and nail tech to support her three kids. Like most working, single moms, Altagracia struggles with the financial cost of childcare and pays her neighbor for reliable daycare services.


Nearly 24% of the population in the DR live below the poverty line, and 100% of the families we serve fall into that category. In the Dominican Republic, basic, government healthcare is free, but medication is not. This is detrimental to those living below the poverty line—especially those struggling with vitamin deficiency-based malnutrition, and more.


One day, Leslie came down with the flu, and their doctor recommended that Altagracia get a multivitamin for Leslie to help support her immune system.


Because of your partnership with Previnex®, Altagracia was able to get our premium, clinically proven multivitamins for Leslie at no cost. She told us, “I am very grateful for this gift! This is the first time that my daughter has taken vitamins, and it’s exactly what the doctor ordered.” 


Serving our global community in a way that improves health has a lasting impact. Dr. Humberto Jimenez, a distribution partner with the Catholic Medical Mission Board, believes in the power of the Get Health, Give Health® program because of the way your purchasing power contributes to the health of children across the globe: ​​“The impact that improving health and preventing disease has on a population is often difficult to measure. The wide distribution of the multivitamin to hundreds of children in unreached communities during our medical missions has greatly contributed to the health and subsequent bright future of their youth. Each trip has found a greater proportion of children in good health during their medical visits. We recognize our ability to provide them with access to medical providers, free medications, and nutritional supplementation are critical to achieve optimal health. The consistency of Previnex’s sponsorship over this time has made it possible for our organization to provide the care and achieve these goals. We hope you recognize the value of your decision to make your multivitamins available to these underserved communities and continue to support our efforts to have these products reach those in greatest need.”

Get Health, Give Health®

When you choose to prioritize your health and purchase Joint Health PLUS®, or maybe Nourify® PLUS, or even Gut & Green Superfoods, you also prioritize someone else’s health, giving the gift of health and immune support to a malnourished child in need. Through our partnership with CMMB (Catholic Medical Mission Board)—and your decision to choose health—over 2.8 million kids have been given a bottle of Super Vites® at no cost to them. So far, nearly 3 million kids in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Malawi, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Ukraine, Zambia, and so many more countries have been given the gift of health! If you’re ready to be part of a greater mission, be a part of our Get Health, Give Health® initiative or directly donate a bottle of Super Vites® today. 


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