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What Are the Causes of a Weak Immune System?

January 26, 2025
What Are the Causes of a Weak Immune System?
By Previnex®

It’s important to have healthy habits in place to ensure your immune system stays strong so it can fight off infection. To have a strong immune system, you need to first know what causes a weak one. From chronic issues to vitamin deficiencies and more, knowing how to manage symptoms and use things like an immune health supplement to strengthen your immune system can really help when illness comes. Let’s look at the causes of a weak immune system. 

What Are the 3 Causes of a Weakened Immune System? 

Three main causes of a weak immune system are genetic factors, chronic diseases, and lifestyle habits. 

Genetic Predispositions

Genes essentially make up who you are—they control features like hair and eye color, some personality traits, and can even affect your immune system. Genetics can cause you to inherit primary immunodeficiency disorders, which are present at birth. Some symptoms of these disorders are:

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Trouble fighting infections or having prolonged infections

  • Frequent severe infections

  • Trouble growing or gaining weight after birth 

Chronic Diseases

When you struggle with a chronic disease like diabetes, cancer, or HIV, it can have a negative impact on your immune system, causing it to be weak. Chronic diseases can cause severe inflammation, alter immune cell function, and make your body more susceptible to infections. Your immune system can also be suppressed from chronic disease simply due to the medications being used to treat those diseases—medications like corticosteroids can make your body more inclined to infection. Some examples of chronic diseases that have an impact on your immune system are: 

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Diabetes

  • Cancer - cancer cells and types of treatment like chemotherapy can make it more challenging for your body to fight off tumors and other infections.

  • Chronic kidney disease - this can disrupt immune regulation

  • COPD - diseases like this can cause chronic inflammation in the lungs, which impacts your immune response

Lifestyle Habits

Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, lack of sleep—these types of poor lifestyle habits can lead to a weakened immune system. To strengthen your immune system, it’s important to maintain healthy habits like a vitamin and nutrient-rich diet, hydrate often, and healthy sleep hygiene.

What Deficiency Causes a Weak Immune System? 

Being vitamin deficient—particularly in Vitamin D, Zinc, and Selenium—can cause your immune system to weaken and function at a lower level. 

Vitamin D

Being deficient in Vitamin D can cause poor bone health and an increased risk for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other joint-related issues. When it comes to your immune system, a Vitamin D deficiency can make you more likely to get sick, especially during cold and flu season. Having a Vitamin D deficiency can also increase autoimmunity and susceptibility to infection. 


Having a Zinc deficiency tends to be caused by a lack of Zinc absorption, which is typically due to a variety of medical conditions. Being deficient in Zinc can cause your immune system to weaken and be impaired. It can also negatively affect the other cells and organisms in your body that help your immune system function at a high level. 


Selenium is an essential mineral that your body needs to function properly—in particular, your immune system. Being deficient in Selenium can impair your immune health, causing your immune system to be weak, and increasing your susceptibility to infections. A Selenium deficiency can damage your immune cells and increase the severity of infections, leading to an overall weakened immune system.

What Are the Major Signs of a Weakened Immune System? 

There are a few symptoms of a weak immune system and some things you can look out for. 

If you struggle with frequent or recurring infections, it may be a sign your immune system is not functioning optimally. In particular, if these infections last longer than what may be considered “normal”, looking into your immune health is something to consider. Similarly, if you have persistent fatigue or tiredness—especially if you’re getting enough sleep and rest and still feeling fatigued and exhausted—your body may be doing its best to conserve energy so it can fight infection when it comes, but that will leave you feeling tired. 

Additionally, if you experience digestive issues or have a poor appetite, your immune system may need a boost. Studies and research show that around 70% of your immune system lives in your gut, so struggling with even simple things like frequent diarrhea, gas, or constipation may be your immune system showing you it needs some support. Since so much of your immune system lives in your digestive tract, your gut health drives your overall health, and the good bacteria in your gut play a crucial part in regulating your immune system! 

Can You Fix a Weak Immune System? 

It’s absolutely possible to fix and strengthen a weakened immune system. The best way to boost your immune system, especially during cold and flu season, is through lifestyle changes and supplementation. When it comes to your lifestyle, it’s important to maintain a healthy, balanced, vitamin-rich diet. Eating foods high in protein, rich in Vitamin C (like citrus fruit, red bell peppers, kiwi, and broccoli), and high in antioxidants (like blueberries, pomegranates, and elderberries) is a great way to give your immune system the support it needs. It’s also important to exercise frequently, even if it’s just a 15-30 minute walk. Exercise activates your white blood cells which help your immune system function optimally! Hydration and rest also play crucial roles in strengthening your immune system. 

Do Immune Support Supplements Work?

When it comes to supplementation, taking vitamins and supplements that aim to support your immune system is key. You can take whole vitamin supplements like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. You can also take a supplement blend like Immune Health PLUS®. It’s rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Zinc. It also features an organic mushroom blend made of maitake, shiitake, reishi mushrooms, and elderberry extract. But the stars of this supplement are the beta-glucans! These tiny fibers activate your immune cells, bolster your immune response, fight inflammation, stabilize blood sugar levels, and regulate cholesterol. They’re basically powerhouse fibers that help your body operate well. 

It’s important to talk with your healthcare provider about your concerns, especially if you are experiencing frequent infections or deficiency symptoms. Make sure you consult your provider before you start any new medications or supplements!


When your immune system is weakened, you’re more susceptible to illness and infection. It’s important to strengthen your immune system through lifestyle habits, vitamins, and supplementation. Taking a high-quality immune health supplement like Immune Health PLUS® is a great way to provide strength and support to your immune system. Grab a bottle of Immune Health PLUS® today to give your immune system some support!

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